Saturday, June 16, 2018

Happy Father's Day!

El padre.  الأب Le père. Il padre. Der Vater. Edoda.

(That’s “father” in Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian, German, Cherokee.)

Father’s Day is tomorrow. As I did on Mother’s Day in May, I thought it might be fun to put up some pictures of dads and a little background I learned about the day. 

[Thanks to Wikipedia,, and Time magazine online.]

First, it’s definitely a 20th-century thing. After the success of Mother’s Day, it was probably inevitable that someone should want to honor our pops. 

However, did you know that the tradition of honoring fathers goes back to the Middle Ages? (I didn’t.) 

In my Mother’s Day post I showed how laundry day went for mothers of two or three generations ago. Here, for tomorrow, is an essay on how the role of fathers has evolved through time. You may read and reflect on whether this pertains to you or your family.

And another from….

And, in order of position in time, more or less—and I’m just including the ones I have pictures of—are some of our dads. If you’d like to add yours, just send me a photo. By the way, all men are identified generally left-to-right in the pictures.
Happy Father’s Day!
Andrew Jackson Alawine, father of 5 (7?)
Andrew, 10 years older
Jack H. Talbert, father of 11

Henry R. Tolbert, father of 12

Charles Wesley Tolbert, father of 10
Alanzo Luke, father of 7
William Henry Tolbert, father of 4

Samuel T. Alawine, father of 16
Henry Tolbert, Milton Jayroe, Grover Tolbert, Charles W. Tolbert, Charles W. Jr. "Bully" (center  bottom) This picture also includes Herman Tolbert, Adam Tolbert, Alfred Tolbert, and Harry Powell--the "little" boys who were fathers.
Roosevelt, Sam, Jackson P., Robert "Bob" Alawine
Bob (father of 7) and Cecil. When you teach a man to fish....

Don Smith, father of 3
Don Smith, Billy Perkins, Ronny Alawine, Paul Alawine, Jimmy Alawine, Gwen Alawine, Ralph Alawine, Bobby Alawine (Kenny Alawine being held?)
Marcus Smith, father of 1--centennial dress, with Bessie

Ernest Joyner, Marcus Smith
Dave Sessums, father of 3, and Tammy
Rev. Herman Pilgrim, father of 3, and Agnes
Jimmy Alawine, father of 7
Ken and Jimmy Alawine...or let him hunt!

Ken Alawine, father of 2, with Jimmie Lou and Kim
Thomas Kittrell, father of 5
Ronny Alawine, father of 5, with Cindy and Sonny (right)
Chris Hudnall, Chris Alawine (father of 1), Bo Alawine (father of 2)
Sonny Tolbert, father of 2, with Shelby
